Using IngramSpark and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Together

Using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for print books is fine for most authors, especially if they are using their own ISBNs and not the free ones from Amazon–which  means Amazon is the publisher. Authors who expect bookstores and libraries might want to buy their books (generally professional-looking, well-edited nonfiction) may want to use IngramSpark instead, since stores and libraries do not like to order from  Amazon. However, Amazon may list IngramSpark books as being not in stock or not immediately available, in which case authors should consider ALSO using Kindle Direct Publishing. That way, Amazon always shows the book in stock and prints and sells to their customers, but bookstores and libraries can order from Ingram.

  • If your book is already on KDP but with a KDP ISBN, you will have to upload new book files with your own ISBN and notify KDP to remove the old book from sales – it may never disappear from the Amazon listings, though. If you have reviews, you can request KDP transfer them to the new book listing.
  • If your book is already on KDP with your own ISBN, no problem.
  • If your book is already on KDP with your own ISBN and expanded distribution, remove it from the expanded distribution and wait a few weeks until the Ingram database reflects the removal before trying to upload to Spark (with same ISBN).

Note that local stores will likely accept your professional-looking book on consignment, and non-local stores probably will not stock your book anyway. Libraries will purchase books from Amazon if they know about it and really want it. The Ingram advantage is that it offers discounts and returns that stores and libraries expect, and books are listed in an online catalog that stores and libraries peruse. Ingram books are available for sale internationally.

3 Responses to Using IngramSpark and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Together

  1. Do bookstore managers actually look at that Ingram catalog. It seems rather dodgy to me; that is, for me to pay the fifty dollars for, uh, what?

  2. Hi George, I don’t really know but you can ask a few stores. Libraries may order them, too. I think some entities look at the catalog since I get sales through Ingram/Spark that I can tell are not from Amazon ordering them for their customers. I do think indie nonfiction sells better from the catalog than indie fiction since stores/libraries/schools prefer to buy fiction that is popular and well known.

    • Hm. So you get sales probably from the catalog? Good point. I get hard-cover sales, too, but I’ve never bothered to wonder where from. I am assuming they’re from some of the reviews I’ve got in, principally, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Good to hear your viewpoint on this.

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